Discover a variety of delicious Bandung specialties that will tempt your taste buds, from snacks to main dishes full of authentic flavors.
Bandung, besides being known for its captivating natural beauty, also has a wealth of culinary delights that should not be missed.
Bandung’s culinary specialties offer a unique and appetizing blend of flavors, which can pamper the tongues of those who enjoy them.
From snacks to main dishes, this city has a myriad of food choices that will make you addicted. Here are 10 Typical Bandung Foods that must be tasted when visiting this city.
1. Peuyeum
Peuyeum is a typical Bandung food made from fermented cassava. This fermentation process gives a distinctive natural sweet taste and chewy texture that many people like.
Peuyeum can be enjoyed in its usual state, but it is not uncommon for people to grill peuyeum and add it with grated coconut and brown sugar water, which is then called Colenak.
This food is not only delicious, but also has deep historical value, because during the colonial era, peuyeum was used as a substitute for rice.
2. Surabi
Surabi is a traditional Bandung snack made from a mixture of rice flour and coconut milk. This cake is cooked using a clay mold over a wood stove, resulting in a texture that is soft on top and crispy on the bottom.
Surabi can be served with various toppings, such as kinca (liquid brown sugar), spicy oncom, or a mixture of salted eggs. With a savory and slightly sweet taste, surabi is one of the favorite snacks of the people of Bandung.
3. Shake Noodles
Mie Kocok is a typical Bandung flat noodle dish served with a rich beef broth. These noodles are usually combined with bean sprouts, fresh vegetables, and tender beef tendons.
The name “Mie Kocok” is taken from the serving process, where the noodles and other ingredients are “shaken” first so that they are evenly mixed with the broth.
Mie Kocok is one of the most popular soup dishes in Bandung, especially during cold weather.
4. Bandros
Bandros is a traditional Bandung cake made from a mixture of rice flour and coconut milk. This cake is cooked in a concave mold, creating a texture that is crispy on the outside but soft on the inside.
After cooking, bandros is usually sprinkled with savory grated coconut. With its simple yet delicious taste, bandros is a perfect snack to accompany your relaxing afternoon.
5. Batagor
Batagor, short for “Bakso Tahu Goreng,” is one of Bandung’s most famous culinary specialties. Made from fish dough mixed with tapioca flour, batagor is fried until crispy and served with thick peanut sauce and lime juice for a refreshing taste.
Batagor is very popular not only in Bandung, but also throughout Indonesia. This snack is perfect for those of you who want to enjoy savory and delicious food.
6. Steamed Rice
Nasi Timbel is a traditional Sundanese dish that is very popular in Bandung. This rice wrapped in banana leaves has a distinctive aroma that is very appetizing.
Nasi timbel is usually served with various side dishes, such as fried chicken, grilled fish, chili sauce, and fresh vegetables.
One of the unique things about this dish is the traditional way of eating it, which is by using hands, as is done by the Sundanese people. Enjoying nasi timbel in this way is an unforgettable culinary experience.
7. Cireng
Cireng, short for “Aci Goreng,” is a snack made from tapioca flour that is fried until crispy. Cireng has a chewy texture and savory taste, and is usually served with spicy peanut sauce or rujak sauce.
Cireng is a very popular snack in Bandung, especially among children and teenagers. It is a perfect choice to accompany your relaxing time or as a snack during the day.
8. Maranggi Satay
Sate Maranggi is a typical Bandung satay made from beef cut into small pieces and seasoned with fragrant spicy spices. Although it originates from the Maranggi area in Sukabumi, this satay is very popular in Bandung.
Sate Maranggi is usually served with rice and spicy chili sauce, giving a rich and delicious taste sensation. If you like spicy and savory food, sate maranggi is the right choice.
9. Colenak
Colenak is a sweet food typical of Bandung made from roasted or grilled cassava. The roasted cassava is then doused with thick brown sugar sauce, creating a very distinctive sweet taste.
Sometimes, colenak is also served with additional pieces of banana or sticky rice. Colenak is often served as a dessert after enjoying a heavy meal, with a sweet taste and soft texture that pampers the tongue.
10. Seblak
Seblak is a typical Bandung food that is very popular, especially among young people. Seblak is made from wet crackers cooked with vegetables, eggs, meat and spicy spices.
Seblak has a very distinctive spicy and savory taste, and is a snack that warms the body. Although seblak can be found in various regions, the taste of seblak in Bandung has its own special qualities, which makes it very worth trying.
With its diverse culinary specialties, Bandung offers a culinary experience that is not only delicious but also full of stories and traditions. Each dish has an authentic taste and makes it worth making it a part of your trip.
In addition to exploring Bandung’s flavors, you can also enjoy Culinary Tours in Bogor for a wider culinary experience. Don’t miss the chance to taste these 10 Bandung specialties and experience the culinary delights of this flower city for yourself.